Yuiko Masukawa is an esteemed Japanese choreographer and educator based in Naarm (Melbourne), known for her innovative fusion of contemporary performance and classical ballet. With a dedication to creating inclusive and groundbreaking dance, Yuiko’s work resonates with both traditional and modern audiences.
Yuiko is the current recipient of the prestigious Telstra Emerging Choreographer’s Award from The Australian Ballet, highlighting her significant contributions to the dance community with her acclaimed work “3”.
Her commitment to fostering independent and inclusive dance in Australia is evident through her multifaceted approach to art creation, teaching, and participating in both local and international residencies and platforms. Yuiko’s works have been showcased at renowned venues including Arts House for Bleed Festival, The Australian Ballet for Frame Festival, the Bowery Theatre, Dancehouse, Lucy Guerin Inc, and BalletLab’s Out of Bounds program. She is currently in the process of developing her latest piece at the West Australia Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), set to premiere in June 2024.
In 2020, Yuiko further honed her choreographic skills through secondments with the New York City Ballet and Milwaukee Ballet, supported by the Ian Potter Cultural Trust. Her talent and dedication have earned her nominations for Outstanding Achievement in Youth Dance at the 2018 Australian Dance Awards (as Director of Melbourne City Youth Ballet) and for Design/Technical Achievement at the 2023 Green Room Awards (for “Running Machine”).
Yuiko’s teaching philosophy blends her deep expertise in ballet with a passion for creating an inclusive and supportive environment, making her an exciting new member of our faculty. Her classes are a testament to her innovative spirit and commitment to excellence in dance education.